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CareerMakers Resume Review

Outplacement and Career Transition Services
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CareerMakers Resume Review

Since 1984 I have successfully reviewed thousands of resumes, making them dynamic and focused “sales brochure” instead of historical “obituaries.” In person or email clients very welcome for 45 minute session.

Service begins at $175-

We look forward to answering your questions. Contact CareerMakers today by calling (503) 699-3192.

I first worked with Peter and CareerMakers in the 1990s. My relationship with Peter is something I value to this day. People engaged in an active job search are often going through a challenging time. Peter’s calmness and ability to teach the tools of an effective search has helped thousands of people not only find a job but a great job and often a new career. While most service providers provide good support during the initial transition the long-term relationships that Peter develops make him unique in a competitive industry.

Stephen Achilles Chief Executive Officer, Exceed Enterprises 05/03/2017